Greeting cards have never looked so good, especially to people and their families who hail from the amusement machine industry. Pinball Art USA, the Oregon company that makes and markets framed pinball backglass artwork, has added a broad selection of cards featuring several dozen retro pinball glasses on their covers.
From “heavy hitters” like Elton John’s Capt. Fantastic and the “killer of all killers” Eight Ball Deluxe, to many obscure (but gorgeous) games like Gottlieb’s Circus and Stage Coach, the cards are totally blank on their insides, making them good for any occasion. Ideal for saluting location personnel on their birthdays, they also make great holiday cards for your entire customer list, not to forget friends and relatives.
Pinball Art USA has a variety of sales specials going on right now, and orders are being taken now by contacting them online at Visit the site and see for yourself what they’re offering.