Senate Banking Committee Hearing Today on Debanking


The U.S. Senate Banking Committee, led by Chairman Tim Scott (R-S.C.), will hold a hearing today focused on debanking, an extremely important topic for ATM operators and the National ATM Council. 

You’ll be able to click here at 10 a.m. Eastern time to see a live video of the hearing, titled “Investigating the Real Impacts of Debanking in America.” 

“As chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, I’m committed to ensuring Americans who have been debanked have their voices heard, and to prevent chokepoint activities from happening in the future,” Scott said. “If you have been debanked, I encourage you to reach out to my staff through our confidential whistleblower resource. Working together, we can ensure bad actors who have exploited their power are held accountable.” 

Email or call 202-224-4287 to make a report. (The office asks you please include your business, agency or organization; details of your allegation; and a phone number or email address where you can be reached.) 


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