Air Hockey Champs Crowned in Texas


The 2024 Air Hockey Worlds were held Aug. 1-4 at the Hyatt Regency in Baytown, Texas – the 64th National/World championship put on by the U.S. Air Hockey Association. Colin Cummings of Honolulu, Hawaii, won his ninth USAA World title, setting a record by losing only one game in the entire singles event.

Second place went to Jacob Munoz of Houston, followed by Jacob Weissman of Houston and Vince Sauceda of San Antonio.

In other events, the Doubles title went to Connor Cummings and Noah Weissman. Angie DiMauro won the Women’s title, and the special Blitz Doubles event was won by Rob Kennedy and Sebastian Zesatti.

The 16 and under Junior title went to William Weissman, and the 12 and under winner was Janelle Mendoza. Visit for more.


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