Team Play’s Ed Pellegrini and Brian Smolik had every reason to smile, coming away with three awards – Carnival Wheel won both an Innovator and Operator’s Choice award and Photo Motion won Operator’s Choice honors.

So happy they could almost fly! Barron Games execs Greg Bacorn and Alyssa Chawgo were ecstatic about winning an Innovator award for the Birdly VR platform.

TouchMagix founder Anup Tapadia (right) with Elaut USA’s Tony Maniscalco (center) and AMOA’s Zahn with the Innovator Award for Carnival Cups. (Elaut markets the TouchMagix line of games.)

Pipeline Games Gary Balaban with AMOA’s Tim Zahn and the Operator’s Choice Award for Perfect 10.
During the Beers & Cheers reception on Wednesday of last week’s Amusement Expo, the AMOA announced this year’s winners of its coveted Innovator and Operator’s Choice Awards.
Explained AMOA, its judging team reviewed an impressive lineup of 30 entries from 20 companies for its Innovator Awards, selecting Barron Games for Birdly and Team Play for Carnival Wheel as the 2023 recipients.
Awarded 2023 AMOA Operator’s Choice awards were: TouchMagix (which is represented by the Elaut Group) for Carnival Cups, LAI Games for Rick & Morty Blips and Chitz; Pipeline Games for Perfect 10; and Team Play for Carnival Wheel.

LAI Games won an AMOA Operator’s Choice Award for Rick & Morty Blips and Chitz. Pictured are Zahn with Mike Kane, Chris Brady and Allison Timberlake.