AMOA-NY Releases Annual Gala Video


Following their April 15 annual gala, the Amusement & Music Owners Assn. of New York has put together a video marking the occasion, which you can click here to watch.

The event was held at the five-star Ben & Jack’s Steakhouse in New York City with many industry leaders in attendance from all over the country to honor Betson’s vice president of sales and purchasing Bob Dipipi.

“Bob has helped bring Betson to levels we never dreamed could happen – we are so blessed to have him,” said company CEO Bob Geschine, who introduced Dipipi alongside 2023 Guest of Honor recipient Michael Pace, the founder and chairman of Pace-O-Matic.

“To manufacturers, customers, competitors and Betson executives who have shown up tonight, this means so, so much to me, and I consider all of you my family,” Dipipi said, adding that Geschine was like a “father figure” to him and spotlighting Betson execs Rick Kirby and Kevin Fritz as another pair of mentors.


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