Dick Hawkins Makes Amusement Industry Hall


The late Dick Hawkins, who died in 2017 at age 75, was among the legacy inductees that made it into the Amusement Industry Hall of Fame this year. Known as “The Hawk,” Dick was not only one of Minnesota’s largest route jukebox, games and later vending owners, but also served as president of both MOMA and the national AMOA back in the 1980s. Hawkins is best known, however, as co-founder of the VNEA (“Valley League”) with Chuck Milhem.

Born in Rochester, Minn., in 1941, he founded D&R Inc. (later to become D&R/Star) in 1963. The local 8-ball league he and bother Dave started up one day, in fact, eventually became the template for VNEA.

His D&R company grew to over 140 employees including his sons, Mike, David and James, and daughter, Judy. Fifty-nine years after he founded the business and after building into one of the best operating companies in the country, Lieberman acquired its amusement games and ATM routes in southeastern Minnesota.

D&R/Star general manager Bill Hofschulte accepted the recognition in Dick’s honor.


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