“The Three Amigos” of F2FEC – George Smith, Ben Jones and Rick Iceberg – opened their fifth conference at The Broadmoor resort in Colorado Springs, Colo., yesterday (March 5) with the program’s trademark energy and relationship-building as attendees gathered for cocktails and dinner.

(From left) George Smith, Ben Jones and Rick Iceberg at the first day of their fifth annual F2FEC.
With the theme of “Imagine,” F2 gets fully underway today (concluding Thursday) and RePlay’s Ingrid Milkes and Key Snodgress are “in the room” to take it all in. Having attended the previous events, Snodgress said, “Each year, the Amigos curate a program that is incredibly relevant, inspiring and meaningful. I can’t wait to see what they have in store this time.” Stay tuned to Instant RePlay for an update and read the full story in the April issue.