Glen Kramer’s Zooom Studios Acquires Barron Games


Zooom Studios, industry veteran Glen Kramer’s new company that made its debut at last year’s IAAPA Expo, recently acquired Barron Games. Founded by Greg Bacorn, RePlay previously reported that Barron Games was slated to close.

Kramer said that Zooom will continue to operate Barron Games under that brand name, and has already designed a new logo, began hiring new folks, and re-designed a 4-player air hockey table called Open Ice that’ll make its debut at this year’s IAAPA Expo.

“Greg is, in my mind, an air hockey guru,” Kramer said. “His plethora and years of experience really shine with air hockey, and we look forward to working cohesively with Greg in any way we can. His guidance will be instrumental in the transition.”

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