Holy Cow! Holey Mackerel! New Mini-Golf in Milwaukee


Holey Mackerel, a mini-golf course with batting cages and arcade games (and more coming in the next year), opened in August at 5401 W. Layton Ave. in Greenfield, Wis., a nearby suburb of Milwaukee.

According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the name was repurposed from an idea one of the co-owners, Tripper Duval, had for a bar. He and a partner already operate the Lost Whale bar in Milwaukee and wanted to open a second bar with the common northern Wisconsin phrase “Holy Mackerel.” They added the “e” to make it golf themed.

The bar part of Holey Mackerel is coming soon; construction of that was ongoing as the facility first opened. Visit www.holeymackerelmke.com for more info.


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