In a recent blog post, Betson detailed how and why you should host a Stern Army event.
To be brief – pinball is hot! Betson noted that the attendance at pinball events worldwide rose from a mere 12,527 in 2009 to 133,767 in 2018 (that, according to the International Flipper Pinball Assn., which keeps tracks of global attendance at tournaments and other events).
Most of the Stern Army gatherings are at arcade bars, but they’ve been held at FECs and other locations as well. “An FEC in Tempe, Ariz., has over 50 players in their Tuesday night leagues and has seen a significant increase in food and beverage sales for their weekly pinball events while exposing pinball to an entirely new audience,” Betson wrote.
Other benefits include creating a sense of community, gaining recognition among passionate pinball fans and so much more.
For more information, and to host a Stern Army event at your location, contact