The collector market is alive and well during the pandemic as evidenced by two reports from the field. First, Rock-Ola’s Glenn Streeter says new owner Alexander Walder-Smith is opening up the jukebox factory this coming Monday, May 18.
Streeter said, “With everybody quarantined – and since they’re not going to be jumping on airplanes or traveling anytime soon – they are looking for more ways to entertain themselves at home. We’re getting more retail sales every week.” Visit Rock-Ola online at
RePlay also checked in with former coin-opper Jeff Walker of the Mantiques Network, a retailer of premium vintage collectibles (they have an extensive range of items including some choice coin-op items from kiddie rides to jukeboxes to trade stimulators and beyond). Jeff had similar news to share: Folks being forced to stay at home has prompted lucrative online shopping.
“Six years ago, we built The Mantiques Network as a global ultimate shopping experience and social network for the vintage collector and enthusiast,” Walker said. “We had identified our market share made up of Baby Boomers to as young at the ‘Nintendo Generation,’ who like to collect vintage coin-operated machines.”
Not wanting to limit their sales to a local retail store, they went big with online. “This has paid off for us as we experienced strong sales during this COVID-19 pandemic that has rich buyers cooped up at home buying luxury items online,” he said, adding, “We also experienced a 23 percent increase in subscribers and followers on our social media. We attribute that to viewers running out of binging options on Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime.” Check them out at
Helping folks have more fun at home continues to be a direction some in the trade are going.
Game Exchange of Colorado had some new Instagram posts last week showing some of the games they had available for sale or rent. (Their “Residential Rental Program” offers games for two months or more starting at $250.) Among the titles in their inventory are Space Invaders, Area 51 Elite, Arctic Thunder and Scramble video games and pins like Bobby Orr’s Power Play, Black Out, Spring Break and Pennant Fever. (The dealership reopened on April 27 following their governor’s guidelines for proper distancing and safety.) The company’s Rich Babich reports that he’s brought his entire staff back to work. They’re online at
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