NATMC D.C. Fly-In Unites Operators from Across Country


The National ATM Council’s “ATMs Go to Washington” fly-in from July 29-30 joined 33 ATM operators and supplier representatives from across the U.S. in meetings mainly focused on getting the Safe Access to Cash Act passed in the House and Senate.

“We had dozens of ATM operators from all over the country participate in almost 50 meetings on Capitol Hill with all the key people in the House and Senate Judiciary Committees, and House Financial Services and Senate Banking offices,” said Bruce Renard, NATMC’s executive director.

 “In all these Hill visits, our many ATM industry delegations each had at least one constituent included,” he said. “Each group was able to deliver a super strong, focused and compelling message on the need for an update to the outdated federal bank robbery laws, which was extremely well received in virtually all cases.”

Renard reported that a highlight of the two-day fly-in was the lead Democratic House sponsor for the Safe Access to Cash Act, Glenn Ivey (Maryland), joining the ATM delegation for dinner. The bipartisan-supported bill is currently co-sponsored by eight other representatives.

The National ATM Council encourages its members to follow up on the fly-in initiative by calling the local office of their own Congressional representatives and U.S. Senators and ask for meetings during the August break to champion passage of the bill in the House and creation of a companion bill in the Senate.

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