A digital shooting gallery for the twenty-first century is now available to purchase from developer Game Volt.
HotShots aims to iterate on a classic formula by projecting the action onto a large surface, simulating kickback with a specially designed shotgun controller and hooking patrons through brief multiplayer encounters.
“For social gaming to work in hospitality venues, the experience has to be instantly engaging, easy to operate, and designed for repeat play,” said Game Volt CEO Peter Cliff. “[Hotshots is] built for venues that want to offer something truly unique.”
This fully automated experience measures at 4×6 meters (or approximately 13×20 feet) and is intended to rope keep engaged participants and spectators alike. The goal is also to get them to return thanks to updates like new game modes, seasonal overlays, and branded collaborations.
Game Volt is known for its work on such attractions as Supercharged Shuffleboards and The ARENA at Dave & Buster’s. Click here to learn more about new release HotShots.