Oregon Association Meeting in May


The Oregon AMOA will meet Wednesday, May 15 from 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at Bullwinkle’s, 29111 Town Center Loop W. in Wilsonville.

On the agenda is a state update by the board, a national update from AMOA president Bob Burnham, a legislative update from Kelsey Wilson, a location operational tour from the management team at Bullwinkle’s and lunch courtesy of TouchTunes and AMI.

In the afternoon, attendees can also partake in a golf tournament at Langdon Farms Golf Club (24377 Airport Rd. NE in Aurora; cost $99 per person) or a mini-golf tournament on site at Bullwinkle’s at a cost of $15 per person.

RSVP to Sydney Waters by May 1 at swaters@betson.com. Call 503-850-9257 with any questions.


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