Party Professor – September 2024


Parties and “Gifts”

Beth Standlee 0319

Beth Standlee

By Beth Standlee, CEO, TrainerTainment

What is the significance of gift-giving at parties or celebrations? I’ve always been the kind of mom who gives each child a gift when one of my children’s birthdays comes around. Of course, the birthday boy or girl gets showered with gifts, but I also like to include the other two children with a little something as well. I know, I know – I’m from the generation that gives everyone a trophy! Sue me.

Gift-giving can be a wonderful expression of appreciation and gratitude. It’s a way to thank the host or honor a guest. Gifts symbolize recognition of the effort involved in organizing an event and acknowledge the importance of relationships. Exchanging gifts can strengthen bonds between friends, family, and colleagues, creating a sense of connection and goodwill.

Giving gifts also creates lasting memories. They serve as tangible reminders of special occasions, often holding sentimental value and evoking positive emotions when recalled later. Thoughtful gifts can enhance a celebration, adding joy and excitement while contributing to a festive atmosphere everyone enjoys. The event itself can become a generous expression of giving to others.

Gift-giving can encourage reciprocity, fostering an environment where people are motivated to give and receive kindness and generosity. This strengthens community bonds and promotes positive social interactions.

What Are Your Gifts?

I’ve been thinking about “gifts” for months. While I’ve discussed giving and receiving tangible things, I really want to ask: “What gifts do you believe you have?”

I’m tired of the negativity surrounding how we talk about each other — be it between employers and employees, teachers and students, or political parties. Everyone has something to give. We all have gifts. Babies bring joy to their parents the first time they giggle. A first grader may be gifted at making new classmates feel comfortable. My son, now 36, is an amazingly gifted musician who was encouraged by his middle school director who noticed his talent in the sixth grade.

I know many people may not have received encouragement or support to acknowledge their gifts. But honestly, recognizing and using your gifts for good is really an inside job. Just imagine if you could share your unique talents all the time.

Listen, if gift-giving at parties plays a vital role in expressing appreciation and gratitude, strengthening relationships and creating lasting memories, then it makes sense to enhancing our lives the same way with our innate gifts.

And in thinking about our industry specifically, gift-giving enriches the party experience and deepens connections among attendees.

Share Your Gifts

I encourage you to take 15 minutes to think of your gifts and how to use them for good. I can’t think of a better way to make this “life party” more fun than to have us all be the best at what we are gifted with.
I’d love you to send me a note that says, “Beth I’m gifted with (fill in the blank) and I’m going to use my gift/s to (fill in the blank).” (Send those notes to me at beth@

And, if you’re unsure about what you’re gifted with, remember what I said earlier: it’s an inside job. You have talent. You have desire. Be unafraid to share and dream. Email me with what you want to be good at and allow me to use my gift of encouragement to support you in sharing those precious talents with the world.

In the meantime, keep partying and remember to bring presents and be present!

Beth is the CEO of TrainerTainment LLC, a training company devoted to the family entertainment and hospitality industries. Beth and her team are focused on helping the companies they serve to make more money through sales, guest service, leadership and social media marketing training. Training products and services are delivered in person, through books and DVDs, and virtually with e-learning courses, webinar development and 24/7 online access. Visit her company’s website at



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