Moving Forward
Get the Most Out of Your “Now Normal”

Beth Standlee
By Beth Standlee, CEO, TrainerTainment
I hope this article finds you working your way through the health, safety and economic trials of our current situation. It’s easy to get stuck in a wait-and-see mode, however, those who move past survival and focus on thriving during the next normal will be those who proactively move forward.
My hope is you took this time to do some of the things you meant to do but never had enough time.
If you need a solid list of four things that might make the biggest difference, here are the ones that make my list:
1. Document Your Processes: Obviously the focus on cleaning and sanitation becomes a “Now Normal” protocol that must be visible to guests and executed consistently by your staff. There are many processes in your center that are “the way” of doing things whether they are documented or not. Now is a perfect time to get very clear about each area. Keep it simple. Apply the 80/20 rule. When you think about a process, it can be easy to overcomplicate the message. Note: When things are too complex, the masses will not adapt and follow the process. My advice is as you look at an operational process, for example, if there are 20 steps to the process, back up and see what four steps (20 percent) could be done in order to complete at least (80 percent) of the job. With this method in mind, you can really refine the steps in a way to ensure the process is followed by all, all the time.
2. Improve Your Training: Training is not a single event. More than ever, you need a superstar workforce. Ongoing coaching and training must become part of the new normal. John Maxwell is a wonderful leadership coach, writer and influencer. He talks about people needing clear direction and correction. Help your team. When they get it right, tell them right away. When they get it wrong, let them know, right away! To me, we have moved into a Now Normal. Engagement is key. Awareness of what’s going on is going to make the difference between businesses and leaders that succeed and those that don’t.
3. Upgrade Your Team: Low unemployment is no longer an issue. Minimum wage is. More than ever, you must decide what the best team member looks like. How do they walk, talk and interact with others? What do they stand for? Do they value what you value (and if not, they need to work somewhere else). You can’t settle for anyone who won’t live your values. If you don’t know what those values are, please reach out and let TrainerTainment help you. I encourage you to take a look at the Container Store’s FAQ about employment. (Find it here: faqs.html.) Their average turnover rate is less than 10 percent in an industry, like ours, that has a hard time keeping people more than one year. They invest over 200 hours in training!
4. Put a Sales and Marketing Plan Together: I hope you are communicating with your community now. Facebook Live events from your location are an exciting way to stay top of mind. Coordinating with other local community-based events either virtually or physically, like using your mascot for birthday drive by events or handing out food for families needing assistance, is a great way to make a difference. Make a plan to sell to past customers once again. Call and check on them. They will appreciate it. I know we can’t be certain about anything. However, I also know if we choose not to plan, we can be certain that we won’t be ready when the doors are open.
I wish you health, safety, and peace. Uncertainty can create a host of negative emotions. Please remember there are many ways to view the same situation. If your view is helping great. If not ask yourself, “What else could be true?” Make your Now Normal one that helps you move forward.
Beth is the CEO of TrainerTainment LLC, a training company devoted to the family entertainment and hospitality industries. Beth and her team are focused on helping the companies they serve to make more money through sales, guest service, leadership and social media marketing training. Training products and services are delivered in person, through books and DVDs, and virtually with e-learning courses, webinar development and 24/7 online access. Visit her company’s website at