As the Year Comes to a Close…
A Hope That You’ve Realized Every Goal You Set for 2018

Beth Standlee
By Beth Standlee, CEO, TrainerTainment
This is the perfect time of year to reflect and plan for the New Year. Although the hustle and bustle of the holidays is a bit hectic, I encourage you to set aside a few hours for you. You owe it to yourself, your family and the business to reflect and plan for 2019.
If you’ve worked with our company for more than one year, you’ve participated in the reflections and planning exercise we think is so valuable. If not, I hope you will use this article as a guide to create more for yourself in the coming year.
Where to Start? Reflect
If you set goals and objectives for 2018, now’s the time to review those goals. I would bet BIG money, if you wrote it down last year, it probably happened. I say probably because, I always set a goal that sounds something like this, “I’m going to lose 75 pounds,” and although I gain and lose quite a few pounds every year, I did not make this one…AGAIN. I’m not going to quit trying though and you can bet the healthy weight, lifestyle goal hits my 2019 vision and planning.
If you didn’t write anything down, take a minute to think about what you intended to do personally and professionally during 2018. Did you do those things? If so, how do you feel about the success? Did you celebrate? If not, why not? Also answer these questions: What do you wish you had done more of in 2018? What do you wish you had done less of? If you could have a do-over, what would you have not done at all in 2018? What are you most thankful for this year?
How to Plan
Answer each question from both a personal and a professional point of view. Doing so from both mindsets is a great way to see how one role impacts the other. Professionally, I have this big title of CEO. I own the business and have a lot of responsibility. However, when my husband or my grown children need something, the role of Wife and Mom trump the CEO role every time.
Think deeply about your answers. Plan the things you would like to accomplish wisely. Don’t make everything important. What you write down is not a “wish list,” but rather a “do” list. Think of your commitments as a promise of what you “will” do. This type of planning is much different than the run of the mill new year’s resolutions. This planning is the foundation for the most important things you will make happen in 2019. Please answer the following questions and remember to do so from a personal and a professional point of view.
What are your current roles?
What do you want your role to be in 2019? Do you want to be promoted? Maybe you want to be in a new relationship or travel to some place you’ve never been. Be VERY specific about what you want your role to be in 2019.
What do you want to do different next year compared to the way you did things in 2018?
What do you want to continue doing?
What do you want to be most proud of in December 2019?
What would you tell yourself a year ago to make 2018 even better than it is today?
What tools will you use to track your goals?
There are many reflections and planning guides. Google it and see what comes up. When I block out about two hours early in December to walk through this simple exercise, I come away energized and ready to reset for the new year. There is something magical about turning the calendar from one year to the next. Maybe I’m crazy, but the fresh start to build something big, to refocus, to dream, is important. So, if the turn of the calendar turns you on like it does me, then I hope you’ll join me as we jump into 2019.
One other little tip is I take this time of the year to re-study “Tiny Habits.” It is the little things we do that create big results (www.tiny
I hope you did big things in 2018 and look forward to hearing about your plans for 2019. Please feel free to send me a copy of your reflections and planning if you would like. I find committing my goals to someone else makes me more accountable for getting stuff done. Email me at [email protected]. Happy Holidays!
Beth is the CEO of TrainerTainment LLC, a training company devoted to the family entertainment and hospitality industries. Beth and her team are focused on helping the companies they serve make more money through sales, guest service, leadership and social media marketing training. Training products and services are delivered in person, through books and DVDs, and virtually with e-learning courses, webinar development and 24/7 online access. Visit her company’s website at