Register Now for AAMA Annual Meeting and Gala


Billed as “the premier summer event for the coin-op amusement industry,” AAMA’s Annual Meeting & Gala is set for Sept. 9-13 in Lombard, Ill., and registration is open.

AAMA members are allotted various numbers of complimentary badges for the event (two for FEC operators and four for distributors, for instance). Additional badges will cost $75 each if you register by Aug. 26, and $100 each if you register after. Full details are at the registration link above, or email with any questions.

The event will feature speakers Howard Kahn, a former Madison Square Garden exec, VR expert Bob Cooney and Ed Rensi, former CEO of McDonalds. Click here for the weeklong event schedule.

AAMA is also posthumously awarding ICE Games founder Ralph Coppola with the association’s Lifetime Achievement Award. With that honor, AAMA set a goal of $200,000 for their annual Souvenir Ad Journal. As of now, they’re at more than $180,000. The ad deadline was extended to today, Aug. 2, so be sure to send those to


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