San Diego Comedy Club Rebrands to Stay Open


If you’re thinking about going to The American Comedy Co. club in San Diego for some laughs, you’re out of luck. But if you’re interested in going to the newly-rebranded American Comedy Company Cultural Connection Communication Community Center – you’re in luck! Comedy shows there are now dubbed “comedy civil disobedience shows,” comedians are called “protestors” and performances are called “protests.”

According to CBS8, the shows are allowed to go on as indoor operations were halted for FECs, breweries, theaters and other venues last week. The move by American Comedy comes after many have questioned why people can legally gather for protests but not events like a family picnic.

“I recognize the dichotomy between those examples,” said Gov. Gavin Newsom at a COVID-19 press conference. “All I can offer is this consideration: Do what you think is best, not only for you, but for the health of those you love.”

Added Nathan Donovan, the open mic host at American Comedy Co.: “With this whole process, there’s been a major disconnect between what can and cannot be open.”


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