With Black Friday and Cyber Monday coming up, now is a good time to support the AMOA Coin-Op Cares charitable foundation with your Amazon purchases. Per AMOA, here are some important things you need to know if you desire to help our foundation through your purchases:
- There is no extra charge to you. This is a donation from Amazon.
- To begin, click the following Coin-Op Cares unique charity link:smile.amazon.com/ch/36-4262815. This only needs to be done once. Then every time you login to smile.amazon.com you will see your charity selection under the Amazon search window.
- Going forward, usesmile.amazon.com for all your Amazon shopping. You must use the Smile URL when making your purchases in order to qualify for a donation. You can bookmark the URL to help yourself remember.
- If shopping from a smart phone,iPhone users can simply use a browser and select smile.amazon.com instead of the Amazon app. Android users have the ability to use their app. If you have the latest version of the Amazon Shopping App, open the app. View Settings and select AmazonSmile. Follow the in-App instructions to complete the process! If you need assistance, please call the AMOA HQ at 800-937-2662.