The Minnesota Operators of Music and Amusements held its annual summer conference last month from June 3-6 at Sugar Lake Lodge in Grand Rapids, Minn. The association reports that the event was well attended by operators from Minnesota, South Dakota and North Dakota, as well as AMOA President Emily Dunn and manufacturer reps.

Dale Lund, Matt and Katie Zasmeta and Brent McKennon.
The conference included the election of a new board, as well as a golf tournament, fishing contest and medallion hunt.
The following officers were elected for 2020: Andrew Schmitz (President), Terry O’Hara (Vice President), Randy Baird (Secretary) and Bob Thomas (Treasurer); serving as Past President is Shawn Dean, Brian Baumann of AVS Companies was also added to the board.
Attendees enjoyed a golf tournament in memory of Ron Reinking, which was won by Bob Thomas, Terry O’Hara, Bryan Aune and Mike Hawkins. Thomas also won a fishing contest, in memory of Wayne Vaverek.
“Guests also participated in a medallion hunt in which clues were given every few hours about the location of the hidden medallion,” MOMA wrote about the event. “The Zasmeta children from Hazelwood Corporation and the Graham children from Games Unlimited pieced the puzzle together and found the medallion.”

Emily Dunn and Linda Winstead.
Pool and dart league coordinators of the member companies also met to discuss the past tournament and to prepare for the January 2020 tourney, to be held at the Mayo Civic Center in Rochester, Minn. More information is available at

Jeff Tash, Leroy Smith, Sandy Zeglin and Kris Link.

Kris Link, Anna Heck and Bob Thomas.

Linda Winstead and Tom Theisen.

Tim Zahn pictured here with Jessica, Elise and Tom Graham Jr.