TouchMagix Completes Shipping 100 Units to Chuck E. Cheese


Dicey Jump and Hop N Stack, two games from TouchMagix that begin shipping earlier this year, have been heading to Chuck E. Cheese locations across the country. The factory says a recent order of 150 units from CEC is two-thirds complete, with 100 units shipped and on location already.

Gameplay data for more than 20 weeks at a location in Plano, Texas, shows the games accounting for between 1.5-2.5 percent of plays in the entire game room each week, says TouchMagix execs. They add that revenue at a 75-game FEC based in Charlotte, N.C., shows both games in the top half consistently during a five-week period with Hop N Stack ranking eighth (2.7 percent of revenue) one week. In fact, that game had the third most guest plays that week with 1,158 plays.

To learn more about the products, visit


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