UNIS, LAI Games Close Offices Due to Virus


Following many others, UNIS has temporarily closed its U.S. and Canadian offices and LAI Games has done the same with its Dallas office, according to the respective companies.

UNIS will shut down the offices for a minimum of two weeks (April 3 will be their day to reevaluate). “This closure will impact shipping and receiving, and we would advise that you reach out to a member of our team via phone or email support throughout this period,” they said, noting their factory remains in full operation to provide support to international clients.

LAI Games said it made the decision in accordance with state guidelines to close all “non-essential” businesses. In order to effectively manage communication, the company will be updating its website to make it easier for customers to send inquiries directly to different departments. You can also email [email protected] or [email protected] and continue to visit their website for up-to-date information.


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