Scott Morgan, VNEA President 2022-2024
Taking the reins of the “Valley League” from outgoing president Marshall Kohtz (VVS, Inc., Lincoln, Neb.) is Scott Morgan, who entered the coin-op industry in 1983 when he went to work for the family-run Aactive Coin Machines. He’s built an extensive resume in his years with the company, the first 20-plus of which were spent on the road installing and servicing pool tables, video games and jukeboxes in the Southern Manitoba, Canada, area.
Aactive joined VNEA in 1994 and in 1996, Morgan traveled to his first VNEA Championships in Las Vegas to take the referee course. He later became Aactive’s league coordinator and also joined 10 VNEA Charter Holders from Western Canada to start the Western Canadian VNEA Championships. Morgan served that organization as a referee, head referee and VP and co-tournament director. He’s also been a presenter at VNEA workshops, conducted many referee certification classes and been involved nationally with several executive committee positions. Of Morgan, VNEA execs wrote, “Scott has always been eager to get involved and the VNEA has benefitted greatly from his commitment.”
Those appointed to the other board positions are: 1st VP Judy Mehle (BMW Billiards, Loveland, Colo.); 2nd VP & Treasurer Dave Everett (M & G Services, Ohio), 3rd VP Stuart Armstrong (Golden Route Operations, Mont.); Charter Holder Director At Large Craig Dumdei (C & N Sales, Minn.); Manufacturer Director Dave Courington (AMI Entertainment); and Secretary Kelye Stites (Valley).