VRstudios Announces New Product Ownership, Biz Model


VRstudios recently announced that the company has moved to a new product ownership structure and business model.

According to the company, FOD Capital – the majority shareholder of VRsudios – has acquired the company’s entire technology and product portfolio, including its AMP (Attraction Management Platform) software and portfolio of game titles built for location-based VR attractions.

VRstudios recently began to evolve its business model by packaging “software only” versions of its ATOM and FLEX systems.

Now, strategic partners can license or acquire the technology and products to both fast-track adding branded VR attractions to their portfolio and as a baseline to accelerate new product development.

Kevin Vitale, VRstudios’ CEO, and other former members of the management team are supporting FOD to implement the new business model. For more information please contact him at kevin@vrstudios.com.

Learn more at www.vrstudios.com.


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