Wisconsin’s Supreme Court overturned that state’s “Safer at Home” mandate, saying all future anti-virus restrictions must be approved by their legislature’s rule-making committee. According to NPR, the Tavern League of Wisconsin, the association of bar owners, told its members they could reopen their doors immediately. Some bars did open immediately late Wednesday, May 13, right after they learned of the Court’s decision.

Bar owner Michael Mattson toasts with patrons as his Friends and Neighbors bar reopens Wednesday (May 13) in Appleton, Wis. Bars were able to open their doors after the Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down the state’s “Safer at Home” order. William Glasheen/USA Today via Reuters
RePlay talked to Amanda Soelle, Director of the Wisconsin operators association (WAMO), who said she’s in the process of checking which counties will allow their bars to reopen and which will issue their own restrictions. “We just learned of this decision last night and, yes, it does look like some taverns will be going back in business in certain counties.” More news to come on this breaking story.